Welcome to our eighteenth edition of Four For the Week (44TW)! To look through past editions, feel free to view our blog. This week we look at the impact of Hurricane Isaias, predicting storms with technology and history, and taming the AI data beast. We close it out with an article on why Insure Tech is here to stay. Enjoy!
1. The impact of Isaias
Strategy & Innovation
Claimatic Team
Last week hurricane Isaias swept through the East Coast, leaving a trail of damage. From trees falling, boats stacked, and piers toppling over, Isaias was not a storm to be messed with. The pictures in this series are proof that even a Category 1 storm can still be devastating to the areas impacted. This is just the start to storm season as Tropical Depression Eleven is moving through the Atlantic.
2. Predicting storms with technology and history
Strategy & Innovation
Claimatic Team
Each storm season carriers and adjusters brace themselves for the surge of claims to come. With technology, Insurers can now analyze storms, hurricanes, and all other weather events. This leads to being able to compare a current storm to similar past storms and their claim patterns. By combining history and technology, this would ease the hustle of storm season.

3. Taming the AI data beast
Technology & Preparedness
Claimatic Team

AI is the term that every technology company wants to hear and use right now. However, the influx of data created by the AI programming software can be overwhelming, leaving users to not fully utilize the true AI potentials. The solution is to tame the data beast. Companies can do this through five easy steps: catalog, evaluate, prioritize, gauge, and execute.
4. Insure Tech is here to stay
Technology & Preparedness
Claimatic Team
The insurance industry, like many other industries right now, is evolving its technology through the wave of the pandemic. With increased technology, insurers can enable smarter and faster service to their consumers. This can be done through solutions such as mobile apps and digital communication. This surge of Insure Tech will only get larger as there becomes more disruption and competition in the field.